pbb Planungsbüro Beier supports stove studios and manufacturers of stove components with planning, presentation and product rendering – right through to the design of complete systems. Over forty years of experience in the craft that is tile stove manufacture.
Gütegemeinschaft Kachelofen e.V. – the registered association for tile stove quality sees it as its task to provide customers with stoves and fireplace systems with long services lives and with a quality seal – under the umbrella of the RAL organisation (RAL Deutsches Institut für Gütesicherung und Kennzeichnung (German Institute of Quality Assurance and Labelling) e.V.).
GesamtVerband OfenBau e.V. - GVOB – As the strong voice of the branch, the GVOB represents the interests of the trade, the industry and the wholesale trade. Its communication brand AdK informs end consumers in a neutral and manufacturer-independent manner about the individual possibilities of heating with wood, the energy of the future.
Verband der Keramischen Industrie e.V. (VKI) – registered association. The specialist section for stove tiles has been created with stove tile manufacturers in mind. Services are provided in accordance with the duties of the VKI on suitable committees at different levels. The stove ceramics manufacturers carry out joint public relations work about the benefits of stove ceramics.
Österreichischer Kachelofenverband – Umbrella organisation of Austrian stove makers and their supplier industry. The Association runs the stove makers’ testing and research institute.